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作者:  来源:  发布日期:2011-09-30


Application forms 2_20110930170932_SEFOX2FkbWlzc2lvbl9mb3JtXzIwMTFfMjAxMg==.doc

Please find attached herewith our Application Form. This form and all other application documents, accommodation and immigration information are also available on our website via the following link: http://www.han.nl/opleidingen/exchange-courses/international-business-and-management-studies/. There you will find the Application Form, Student Handbook and Module Preference Forms.

Deadline for application for the Spring semester (January – July 2012) is 1 November 2011.

However, I would appreciate receiving the names of the students who have been nominated to study with us in advance, by e-mail.

Students will receive an acceptance letter, via your office, within approximately two weeks of receipt of their application. They will also receive information about the introduction programme and arrival details in January.

Important dates for the Spring semester are as follows:

25 January 2012:              Arrival day

26 – 28 January 2012:        Introduction

30 January 2012:              Start of lectures

20 – 24 February 2012:       Spring break

30 April – 4 May 2012:       May Break

9 July 2012:                  Official end date academic year

The complete academic calendar is attached.2_20110930170952_QWNhZGVtaWMrQ2FsZW5kYXIrMjAxMV8yMDEy.pdf


Furnished accommodation is provided by the housing agency Vivare. Students may register for a room via their website www.vivare.nl – international students. Please inform your students that accommodation can only be rented per semester and the full semester price must be paid up front – an initial deposit of 750 euro’s, followed by the balance on arrival. The deadline for registration is 15 November 2011.

Visa requirements non-Europeans 2_20110930170906_VklTQStSRVFVSVJFTUVOVFMrMjAxMg==.doc

Certain non-European citizens require an entry visa called an “MVV” and a Residence Permit for a stay in The Netherlands exceeding 3 months. The student is not able to apply for these him-/herself. The current regulations require that the university applies for the MVV and Residence Permit for all its students before their arrival in The Netherlands. The total cost of the MVV and residence permit is